A wonderful computer for the price!

After exhaustive research I decided the Toshiba Cosmio x505-870 powerhouse had the best specs for the best price. This was the next in a long line of Toshiba laptops for me. I was hooked after my first one about 10 years ago. Due to the design durability price and support Toshibas have always been my first choice and I would and do recommend them to everyone that asks. The Cosmio X505-870 is my new passion. My only complaints are minor and cosmetic. The slick surface of the keyboard and the awkward multimedia and power buttons are the only hindrances I have found. The new positive design elements far outway the problems though. The toned-down color scheme the disable button for the touchpad and the beautiful 18.4 screen(although not full 1080p) to name a few. There were some issues with the BIOS that Toshiba addressed directly so I would suggest updating the BIOS immediatly after creating your restore disks. I don't think it would be possible to regret the purcase of this system and I recommend it whole-heartidly.More detail ...
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